Haunting TV: Heroines of Horror

tv-channel-artsm3Location: www.youtube.com/hauntingtelevision

Date:  February 9th, 16th, 23rd (2015)

Organizer(s): Alexander Andriulli

Contact: alexjamesphoto@yahoo.com

Website/Social Media Links: www.youtube.com/hauntingtelevision


February 9, 2014: Top 10 Horror Heroines in video Games
February 16, 2010: Review of “Y the Last Man” and spotlighting the artwork of Pia Guerra.

February 23, 2010: American McGee’s Alice play-through and commentary on the roles of women in the horror movie industry.


February 2, 2015- Book Review | Struck by Clarissa Johal

Struck (the plot): The shadows hadn’t been waiting. The shadows had been invited.
After a painful breakup, Gwynneth Reese moves in with her best friend and takes a job at a retirement home. She grows especially close to one resident, who dies alone the night of a terrific storm. On the way home from paying her last respects, Gwynneth is caught in another storm and is struck by lightning. She wakes in the hospital with a vague memory of being rescued by a mysterious stranger. Following her release from the hospital, the stranger visits her at will and offers Gwynneth a gift–one that will stay the hands of death. Gwynneth is uncertain whether Julian is a savior or something more sinister… for as he shares more and more of this gift, his price becomes more and more deadly.


February 9, 2015-  Review of Vertigo Comic “Y: The Last Man – Volume One.” 

Y The Last Man (synopsis): All of the male mammals on the planet die suddenly in an incredibly horrific fashion. All except for amateur illusionist, Yorick and his monkey, Ampersand. The world is falling to bits and all Yorick wants is to find his girlfriend. The story follows Yorick and his journey through this apocalyptic world while a group of Amazon Women hunt him down.


February 11, 2015- Jeanette visits Savannah Comics & More. Get a virtual tour of comics heaven! 


February 17, 2015- IexploDeUface Plays American McGee’s Alice – Walkthrough – Part 1 – Down The Rabbit Hole IexploDeUface Plays American McGee’s Alice – Walkthrough – Part 1 – Down The Rabbit Hole 

Haunting Tv’s Jeanette AKA IexploDeUface plays American McGee’s Alice for Women In Horror Month! Our regular playthough of “The Evil Within” returns in March.


February 23, 2015- Top 10 Heroines Of Horror – Video Game Edition

Watch video here—> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOQvGN26aYc