Monster Mavens in Horror: WIHM Edition (Online)


Date: February  8th, 15th, and 22nd (2015)

Organizer(s): Kweeny Todd


Website/Social Media Links:

Twitter: @kweenytodd

Description: On the 8th, 15th and 22 of this month I will have some great posts on the topic of Monster Mavens in Horror: WIHM Edition will feature everything from a video I made a while back on “Shit People Say To Women Who Like Horror”, a discussion on horror film making, a review of Jovanka Vuckovic’s new short film The Guest, to an interview with a female vampire named Hakk Wylde! (AKA Bonnie Knapp Pavone).

Come check it out and see what it’s like in my Gory Kingdom. I won’t bite…much.


February 8, 2015: MONSTER MAVENS WIHM EDITION: Shit People Say To Women Who Like Horror


February 15, 2015- Monster Mavens WIHM Edition: Kweeny Reviews Jovanka Vuckovic’s The Guest 

FBBannerLaurels” It’s no secret that I love Jovanka Vuckovic’s work by now. She was a powerhouse on Rue Morgue back in the days when I first met her, and she still is one today. I love her writing, but her film making is really where she shines as an artist. So I have seen The Captured Bird, her first short film, and I was a backer of that one. It was brilliant. It had some flaws but I enjoyed the hell out of it. I still own one of the shirts from backing the film. I haven’t seen all of her film stuff yet, but the fact she is doing Jacqueline Ess is testament to why I think she is a rising star in the horror film biz.

But enough of that.
Time to get my reviewer hat on and look at the guts of this beautiful monster of a movie called The Guest. *takes off wolf hat and puts on a different, bitchen hat.*”  –Kweeny Todd

(Read the review here).