What is Feminist Horror? (Terre Haute, Indiana)

wihm8 feminist horror

Event: What is Feminist Horror?

Date: February 2, 2017

Time: 12:30-1:30pm

Location:  Indiana State University Women’s Resource Center  // 550 Chestnut St., Terre Haute, IN 47803

Organizer Contact: amanda.hobson@indstate.edu

Website/Social Media: https://www.indstate.edu/student-affairs/wrc/programsworkshops/upcoming-events

Description: In honor of Women in Horror Month (February), the Indiana State University Women’s Resource Center will be hosting a Lunch and Learn conversation about feminist horror films with horror scholar Amanda Hobson giving a brief introduction to women in horror and the idea of feminist horror films.

Bring your lunch and join us in 709 Hulman Memorial Student Union (550 Chestnut St., Terre Haute, IN 47803).